Gavin is 7 Months Old!

He weighs 14.7 lbs.
He is 28 inches tall.
He is still amazing in every way.
In case you were wondering.
He is in Love with his big bro.

At 7 Months Gavin is:
Pulling himself up on everything
Which means he falls over a lot
and makes naptime/bedtime a lot of fun!
He is crawling everywhere
which means he follows brother into every room
He has said "ma ma" twice
which means he loves me more than "da da"
(just kidding.. kinda ;))
He can give High-Fives!
He can give kisses..
Which I LOVE!
He can wave HI
He likes to spit or blow raspberries
whatever you call that.
He LOVES food!
He is the sweetest, cutest, smartest baby ever...
in his mommys opinion.
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