Chicken Pox looking dots.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The life of a mom
Chicken Pox looking dots.
*Gavin Update*
At Gavins 6 month appt. The Dr. was concerned about his weight gain. He was not gaining as much as the Dr. would have liked him too, but because he had only been on solids for a little over 2 weeks, the Dr. wanted to give that a little time to see if that would help him put on a little chub.
So over this last month I did a lot of praying, a lot of stressing, a lot of worrying, a lot of crying, and a LOT of craming food down Gavin's throat... by his will of course.
I wanted to make sure he gained weight. I was just sure he was. He felt heavier. He eats a ridiculous amount. I walked into that Dr.s office super confident.
Well it didn't really play out how I had imagined. He did gain 12 ounces, but I guess for his age he should be gaining about 1/2 ounce to an ounce a day. So She said ideally she would have liked him to gain around 30 ounces, but he should have at least gained 15. It doesn't make any sense. to me that he's not gaining. But I'm glad I have a Dr. who is catching this while hes still so young... if there even is anything to catch. I'm hoping he just got that amazing metabolism gene that I failed to recieve.
So next Friday we go see a Pediatric GI and then I have a referral to a Nutrition Specialist. Im not quite sure what either will do, but for now I will just love on my kid and pray my heart out. Please keep him in your prayers.
7 Months

He weighs 14.7 lbs.
He is 28 inches tall.
He is still amazing in every way.
In case you were wondering.
He is in Love with his big bro.

Sunday, May 29, 2011
Quote of the Week
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Water Babies
The sun takes a lot out of a little boy.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I think I have a problem!!

Why do you get pissed when someone honks their horn at you?
Why was I put on talking timeouts growing up?
Why can't I wait until Landon understands what a talking timeout is?
Why does my car take over $75 to fill up?
Why do all the good tv shows take a summer break?
Why do people think they can predict the end of the world?
Why do all the hott skinny girls go to the gym at night?
Why do I try to avoid the gym at night?
Why does my phone battery die within one day?
Why do I love reality tv so much?
Why does Gavin eat so much yet not gain weight?
Why can't I have that problem?
Blah Blah Blah
Sunday, May 22, 2011
This weeks quote brought to you by daddy..
Thursday, May 19, 2011
You can't force them to nap.. but you can knock em' out
I see a future Hanes Model.
Dont you?
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Quote of the Week
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Who needs a pet?
He KNOWS how to have fun.
This is just a typical afternoon for us.
So like I said, who needs a pet with these 3!?!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
mommy, mom, ma, mama, mommy, mama, mom, ma

Quote of the Week
Even he knows his brother is steps above just a regular cute. :)
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Mom of the Year #3
Frozen Yogurt. Its a necessity. That will set the scene for ya. We take Landon to get a treat after dinner for keeping his pull ups dry POST NAPTIME. Every body should get a reset button.
Baby once again is crying as we drive there. Landon is being Landon. LOUD. Annoyingly cute. But oh so LOUD!. Matt decides he's gonna run in and get us some so we don't have to take the kids out. Im fine with that.
I remember I have to make a phone call to the bff. I try to talk over the kids cries and song singing in the "monster voice." It's not working. So out of the car I get. To the curb I sit. Ahhhhh peaceful. I can hear. Hearing is in fact a LUXERY. Do I see anything wrong with what Im doing? The kids in the car; one screaming his lungs out, the other singing his lungs out. NO. No I don't. Not until I see Matt pass by me with that look does it hit me. Yet again I managed to get that feeling.. MOM of the Year.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
PLeaSe sHOot Me... or... HAve mE comMitteD

And here it is again on day 40. Sad day. But don't give up hope on us yet. We may not have green thumbs, but we have determination.
Thats half the battle right??

Heres the garden Day 1. Planted. Watered. Ready for growth.

Aha! Do you believe in us yet? Do you see all those green leafy things? Yep!
Thats our garden.
The few rows that lasted through the hail, snow, and a broken sprinkler that went un-noticed for.. oh.. a month or so.. give or take a few days.

So if we haven't made believers outta ya yet, then this will have to reel ya in. We got a live one. That little red ball thing.
Its called a radish.
For those not familiar with this veggie/fruit.. im not quite sure what it is.. i'll explain it.
radish: any of various plants of the genus Raphanus, cultivated for its edible root.
You see.
Radish. Its the new Black. Its famous.
"when he was naked he was, for all the world, like a forked radish, with a head fantastically carved upon it with a knife." -Shakespeare
like a said.. famous.
It has many uses.
You can eat them in a salad (obvious)
Pickle them (mmm not sure id be a fan)
Saute them in butter (NOW were talking!)
Looking forward to all the growth that is to come.. and hoping we will have an update before another 40 or so days pass. :)
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Quote of the Week
Landon: Bubba did it Yayyyyyy
(Now i give him candy about half the time he goes, because he will go squeeze out a few drops just to get some candy. And this particular morning he probably already had a few.. Peeps to be exact.)