Today was one of those days. No, not the ones where you wonder how your kids made it to bed alive (don't act like you've never had one of these), one of those perfect weather, breezy, sunshine, hearts happy, park beggin for some attention, picnic kinda day.
Everyday should be like this, because this is the look i get when I ask..
DO you want to go to the park??

Gavin loves days like this. He is an
explorer and always tries to venture past the boundaries of the nicely laid out blanket I have set him in the very center of.

It is so amazing how you can capture the word "wonder" in a childs eyes.

We packed a little lunch.. that of course is not complete without..

a cheese stick. These little creations are amazing by the way.

and Landon..who is all about being able to make his own choices, voice his own opinion, you know, have preferences.. wanted the strawberries whole.. it is cooler you know, and if you didnt, well next time your at a picnic, make sure you bring WHOLE strawberries.

Nothing says sunshine, park, picnic afternoons like a strawberry.

We don't neglect any food groups in our household, so crackers made the party in Landon's tummy too.

Somebody found the secret treat..

I also surprised Landon with a buzz lightyear squirt gun.. which like a good mom, i instructed him not to squirt people, but to squirt things.. slide, poles, swings..
and like a good son... he did just that, although he "
accidently" squirted one girl and himself many times :)

No park picnic is complete without and assortmant of balls, that he scanned the whole house for, with squeels of excitement with each find. (I guess it sounds a lot like Easter morning).

Sit back, relax, put your feet up and enjoy

Happy Picnic Day to us, and we encourage you to have one soon..

Don't forget the gummy worms :)
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