Wednesday, June 29, 2011

This is the Life..

Facebook - in my opinion -

I love Facebook.

I love to reconnect with people.

I love to see pics of how people have changed and families have grown.


I don't love how people feel the need to give us a play by play of their day.

I don't care that much about what you are doing.

I could settle for a re-cap of your day.

I don't like to hide people.

But sometimes you just have to.


do people abuse the Check-in.

"getting gas -- @arco"


1) We (yes, Im speaking for you too) could care less that your stopping for gas

2) We don't care what gas station you choose.


"driving --on 10 freeway."

"now -- on 215 freeway."


Are you begging for a stalker?


when people post pics of themselves where you know they think they look cute..

but then on the captions say something like,

"going to take my geometry test then go down to starbucks."


just say "I think i look freaking cute and don't need an excuse to post this."

I would respect you more.


If I don't accept you farmville request the first 5 times,

chances are im not going to the next 50 times.

So please stop sending those.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Can Landon do anything normal??

He doesn't even sleep normal.

Am I normal?

Does he look like Matt but get his un-normalness from me?


What am I talking about?

I AM comletely normal.
I promise.. just don't ask close relatives.. cause what do they know?

Anyways.. Landon starts off like any normal little boy.

In HIS bed on a pillow laying vertically.

Well I guess that would be of the "norm"

Most nights he sleeps in his bed all night.

But the others..


Well I either hear screams where hes having night terrors.. (so sad)


he has nightmares and wakes up calling for me.

See a NORMAL pic of him sleeping in his bed.

Then those nightmare nights turn into him getting into bed with us and snuggling up.. this is a pic with daddy.. but usually hes with me. So sometimes.. my little boy starts talking to me.. and like we have conversations.. then Ill look at him and he is passed out.


We have a SLEEP TALKER!Mom?


I....................... Love................. (dramatic pause)......... Daddy.

Uh ok... dagger to the heart son. Haha.

Last nights was a little out of the ordinary.



I want an icee.


I want an icee.

He told me repeatedly how he wanted an icee. So random.

How come you can't even sleep normal Landon?

You make life an adventure and I love every minute of it!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Its that time again..


I could really do a quote of the hour.

Some funny.

Some weird.

Some uncalled for.

But todays is in honor of Father's Day.

Matt called on the phone from work.. when I saw it was him I told Landon to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY... instead he told him,

"Happy Birthday Daddy!"

Hey its close.

Not too funny, but keeping with the spirit of the day I thought it was appropriate.

Landon's dad ROCKS!

So he painted a rock for his daddy and I had written "Dad Rocks", but of course hes all about doing things on his own and he painted over it.

But Im sure Matt thought it was perfect!

Grandpa got one too!

The answer is Yes, if youre wondering if he is painting with a tooth brush. We work with what we got!

You can always tell which ones Landon does.. cause they look the best of course!

Friday, June 17, 2011

#1 Dad

I have free time to write this, because Matt took Landon and our niece and nephew over the fence to run on the golf course and feed the ducks. I realize it over and over. My kids have the greatest dad. I am so thankful I married a man who wants to spend quality time with his family. We are not an after thought.

We are his priority.

His wife.

His kids.

He is an amazing man all around.

And he is mine.

I know Landon thinks his dad is the best. Every morning he wakes up the first thing he asks is wheres daddy? Its sad when I have to tell him hes at work and we get the meltdowns. Is mommy not enough? No, and I can definantly see why. His dad is his hero and thats how it should be.

Happy Fathers Day to the best daddy my boys could ever dream of. Even though he has to work this Sunday.. we will have to find ways to make it special. He deserves that and more.

I love you Matthew Joseph Faucher... Happy Father's Day

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Quote of the Week

My little quotes of the week or more like conversations of the week,


start off as normal events or conversations.

I will have to speak on behalf of Gavin, who cannot talk yet,

but I have super hero mom powers

and know what he would say if he could.

So Landon says, "I want to hold Peanut."

I of course let him.

Gavin "says" "please don't let him mom."

Landon LOVES to hold him.

Gavin.. is not the biggest fan of it.


"I want to feed him my boob mom."

as he puts him in feeding position.

Gavin "says," "Yeah, I don't think so buddy!"

and Mom had to second that you little weirdo.

All caught on camera.

Will I ever just get a normal

big brother


lil brother pic??


Let the tests begin..

So we had Gavins first appt. with his peds GI last Friday.

It went ok.

I'm not gonna lie.

It was tough.

I was expecting to leave with answers.

I don't know why. I knew he would have to go through testing, but for some reason you think theyre gonna tell you your baby is fine. The doctor checked Gavin out, asked a lot of questions and then ordered some blood work and stool samples. We went downstairs to the basement to get the blood drawn. Poor Gavin. I was so grateful Matt was there to be my rock. He held Gavin.. or more like pinned Gavin down so they could draw his blood. It was not a normal scream. I felt like he was screaming for me to come save him and there was nothing I could do. 6 viles. Not even 1 down. I had to leave the room. They couldn't get his blood to flow, so the lady was wiggling the needle around. She switched arms. Nothing. Went back to the other side. It was barely a drip. It took FOREVER. Gavin screamed the entire time. I wished I could have done it for him.

That part is over now.

On to the poop collecting.

He is such a trooper.

He gave smiles to all the doctors and nurses.. minus the blood drawer.. understandably. Now we wait and pray for some good news.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Peeing on a Stick

So ever since I have had Landon I have had pregnancy symptoms.

Theres just something about how your body changes and a little human growing inside you, sometimes beating you from the inside out that compares to nothing else.

So for the past 2 years...

I can feel the baby kicking..

or is it gas?

Yep, its just a gas bubble.

When I get Diarrhea..

yes I am a women..

and yes women get diarrhea and gas...

I just know Im pregnant.I'm happy..

no wait I'm sad..

No, no I am happy

Nope. Im sad again.

Am I hormonal?

Am I pregnant?

I want frozen yogurt.
I think I have a problem.
Am i pregnant?

I am so tired.
I can't function.
If i didnt have kids I would lay in bed alllllll day.
I feel like I just climbed a mountain,
but all I did was turn on cartoons and get breakfast.
Am I pregnant?

Nausea means youre pregnant right?

So anytime anything happens I chalk it up to..
well maybe I'm pregnant.
No! I'm not pregnant.
I mean, I do have a bit of a headache..
and I really REALLY want frozen yogurt right now..
I better go pee on a stick.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Quote of the Week

After being in his room during naptime for 2 hours playing with his toys, I open the door and he turns around and says,

"TADA!! Look I wake up!"

Friday, June 3, 2011

4 Years Stronger

Matt and I celebrated our 4th Anniversary this past week. We did an overnight date to Temecula. This was the first time we left Gavin overnight, but it was time. Matt and I needed a little one on one time. Date nights are nice, but I would have to say being able to stay out all night and sleep in all morning is amazing. Well sleeping through the night uninterupted is AMAZING!!

So we dropped the kids off with my mom, who is such a great Grandma, and we were on our way. I knew the kids would have a blast, they always do.

We drove straight to a winery where we had reservations.

It was a really cute place that was made by a Disney Imagineer who constructed the place to look like Snow Whites Cabin. It was beautiful. Matt and I had a great time. It was very private and romantic. Perfect little date.
Next we headed to check in at Temecula Creek Inn. It was right on the golf course and our room had a wrap around balcony. We did the "date night" package so we got champagne and chocolate covered strawberries delivered to our room when we arrived. We were able to relax and sit outside enjoying eachothers company. Uninterupted company. :)

We had dinner reservations at the restaurant at the Inn, so we headed down there next. I highly recommend their food. It was sooooooooooooo good. It's nice to be able to eat hot food and to actually have a conversation over dinner.. not that I don't like eating dinner as a family.

After dinner we went to the Temecula Promenade where we did some shopping and then got some ice cream. Shopping too is much easier kidless ;)

So we headed back to the Inn and got in the hot tub. It was the perfect night for that. All around it was such a relaxing day... and we still had a whole day ahead for just the two of us.

We slept in! Both of us! Took our time getting ready AND I only had to dress myself! Haha. We went to In n Out which was my choice because I was starving and didn't want to wait at a restaraunt. Matt asked if I was over the romantacism hehe. After eating we went to Old Town Temecula. We walked Old Town stopping in the shops and even did some wine tastings. A lot of the wineries also make their own olive oil, so we did an olive oil tasting too. Sounds weird, but it was actually really cool and fun. We had a blast, but we were ready to head home and get the kids.

As we drove home I looked over at Matt and said, "Im kinda sad its back to reality now." He looked over at me and said, "I don't know about you, but I love my reality."

Happy Anniversary Babe. Love You!