Sunday, October 2, 2011

Quote of the Week

We stopped for dinner
and the high rollers that we are chose Wendys
where all the cool kids go.
We are on our way out and there were three guys standing at the doorway.
Matt was carrying Gavin and he went straight to the car.
I was trying to get Landon out the door but he just kept staring at these 3 shady looking guys.
2 Black, 1 White.
I'm getting frustrated with him because he is being beyond rude and wont walk
he is just standing there standing at this one guy.
Im telling him to lets go and he slowly walks out the door,
which the guys have been patiently holding open this whole time.
As soon as Landon gets through the door he stops to watch them walk in.
Seriously kid, what the heck.
Then he says to me all in awe,
"Mom, that guy fights robots!"
He was starstruck.
It took me a minute and then I realized what he was talking about....
Yep, we saw Will Smith at Wendy's,
...where all the high rollers go.

1 comment:

jbauers said...

Your kid is HILARIOUS!