Landon; so many words can describe him. Sweet, Stubborn, Adventurous, Curious, Funny, Outgoing, Amazing, Exciting, Energetic.. I could go on forever. I have to share a funny story from this week:
So the other day Landon woke up at his new wake up time of 6:30 am. Yuck. I am the opposite of morning person, especially when I am waking up throughout the night to feed Gavin. So I got up, got his juice, some breakfast and turned on the Disney channel, before I snuck back to bed to get another hour or so of sleep.
Well Landon comes in my room around 7:30 for my wake up call. He says, "Mom, down. Come play. Waters." Well all this is the usual plea for me to get up and start my day... except for the "waters" part. Water? Hmmm?? Well as I walk down the hall my feet are greeted in random puddles as I make my journey to the kitchen. The Kitchen. The kitchen floor. The kitchen floor COVERED in "waters." He had cups placed all over the kitchen floor, and the family room, filled to the tippity top and sitting in a puddle of water. He spent that hour of alone time, to neglect Handy Manny or whatever was on at the time, his juice, and his breakfast.. to play with stacking cups and fill them up with the refrigerator door water. A full hour of alone time is all it takes to cover the kitchen floor, the family room and the hallway. Gotta love my boy and his mischief.