Sunday, January 20, 2013

there is no loved more than he

I don't always know how to put into words how much love we have for eachother and how much is poured into Brycen. Sometimes seeing it is the best way to capture what is going on in our hearts.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

look alikes?

Landon at 5 months and Brycen at 5 months.. any resemblence??

Brycen 4 Months

My Happy Baby Boy. He is always smiling at anyone that will look his way. He loves to laugh. He is so strong. At 4 months he is a freakin roley poley. He doesn't like to sit still keeping with the little Faucher boy trait. He will be crawling before we know it. He LOVES to jump. The jumperoo is a life saver!
My little underweight (another one off the chart in weight) boy is an eater. He would literally salivate anytime he saw or smelled food. He was ready for food early and a little before four months he got a taste. He loves it. I have made him carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, pears, apples and bananas. Carrots, sweet potatos and squash are the favs. Apples seemed to upset his tummy. Pears were ok. Banana's he hates! He will eat until I cut him off. And still the teeny tiny. At 4 months he is 11lbs 5oz and 24.8in. Tall and Skinny.. just like his momma will be one day again..
Brycen celebrated his first Christmas. He was actually really into opening presents. He got very excited to tear and bat at the paper. It is so fun having three crazy, active, happy healthy boys. I could not ask for anything more.